우승범 (Seung-Buhm, Woo)
[전공분야] : 해안/항만공학, 계산수리학 및 환경수리학
[연구실] : 5호관 5북102호
[E-mail] :
[Phone] : 032-860-7710
[Fax] : 032-876-8252
(2001) Cornell Univ. 해안/해양공학 박사학위 수여
(2015) ~ 인하대학교 해양과학과 교수 (現)
(2007) ~ 경기씨그랜트센터 센터장 (現)
(2004) 한국건설기술연구원 선임연구원
[주요 연구 논문]
1. (SCI) Woo, S.-B., and Liu, P. L.-F. (2004). "Finite element model for modified Boussinesq equations II: application to nonlinear harbor oscillations" J. Waterway, Port, Coastal, Ocean Eng., 2004, 130(1): 17-28
2. (SCI) Woo, S.-B., and Liu, P. L.-F. (2004). "Finite element model for modified Boussinesq equations I: model development" J. Waterway, Port, Coastal, Ocean Eng., 2004, 130(1): 1-16
3. (SCI) Cho, Y.-S., Jeong, W.-C., and Woo, S.-B. (2004). "Finite element method for strong reflection of water waves" Ocean Engineering., Vol 31, Issues 5-6, April 2004, pp. 653-667
4. (SCI) Choi, B,-H., Pelinovsky, E., Lee, H,-J., and Woo, S.-B. (2005). "Estimates of Tsunami Risk Zones on the Coasts Adjacent to the East (Japan) Sea based on the Synthetic Catalogue" Natural Hazards., (2005), 36: 355-381
5. (SCI) Woo, S,-B., and Yoon, B,-I. (2011). "The Classification of Estuary and Tidal Propagation Characteristics in the Gyeong-Gi Bay, South Korea" Journal of Coastal Research, suppl. Special Issue; Fort Lauderdale SI.64 (2011): 1624-1628